Just as well, since bullets traveling at their actual speed would make dodging pointless and the game less cool. Acceptable Breaks from Reality: Even in real time, bullets travel much more slowly than they should.Unlike the previous games, MIND CONTROL DELETE takes a Roguelike approach to the series formula, and is a Sequel set after the previous two games that explores what happens to the players who've joined the System. SUPERHOT: MIND CONTROL DELETE: Released to Steam Early Access in December 2017, and fully released on July 16th 2020, with free copies given to every player who had previously purchased the original SUPERHOT on Steam.This version changes some of the rules (all throwables become lethal) and integrates body and head tracking, as well as telling a unique story that's separate from SUPERHOT. 6, 2016 for headsets including the Oculus Rift and HTC Vive. The expanded version was released on Februfor PC, with many news outlets proclaiming "It's the most innovative shooter I've played in years."
SUPERHOT: The full release, following a successful Kickstarter campaign, improving the visuals and mechanics while adding more weapons, modes, and the glorious Rule of Cool stuff people wanted from an expanded release.